Program details
Languages | English |
Check-in | 27 Apr, 2023 ( Before: 10:00pm) |
Check-out | 02 May, 2023 ( Before: 9:30am) |
Program announcements
Program’s Language | English |
Check-In | Friday (2:00pm) |
Program Starts | Friday (4:00pm) |
Program Ends | Monday (09:00am) |
Check-Out | Monday (02:00pm) |
Happy to Support | 9036005022 / 08067262822 |
"Experience deep rest and peace with an experience of complete immersion in Yoga, Meditation, Silence, and Celebration."
Go beyond your usually active mind and experience an extraordinary sense of peace and renewed vitality through guided meditations and other processes.
The Advanced Meditation Program is a vacation in the truest sense where you can take a real break from all your activities for deep rest and recharge.
International Aol teachers can send mail to to avail Teachers scholarship.
Program’s Language: English
Check-In: Friday (Before - 2:00pm)
Program Starts: Friday (4:00 pm)
Program Ends: Monday (09:00 am)
Check-Out: Monday (Before- 02:00pm)
Happy to Support: 9036005022 / 08067262822